
Dear visitor, this is the place to contact Elvis.

Lessons and music shows

Here you can sign up for hammond lessons, keyboard lessons or piano lessons in Amstelveen or Amsterdam-Zuid.

Also it’s possible to file requests for gigs, tours and studio sessions in the Netherlands and abroad.
As a Hammond organist Elvis can add great quality and sonic value to your project, production or band.

If you wish to obtain a proposition for a show on private parties or other events like music festivals, business parties and such, please file the name of the event, date & preffered show times.

means of contact

At all times use the contact form on this page and Elvis will contact you within a couple of days.
Please keep in mind that occasionaly responding will take a little longer due to his work abroad or school vacations (in case of considering regular lessons or trials).

If a fast response is needed please state so in your message or use the mobile number at the bottom of this page for direct contact.

Elvis regularly has offers with attractive discounts on his lessons, so be sure to check this website regularly, or follow his posts on Facebook.

If you wish to be updated automatically on Elvis’ whereabouts as a hammond player, teacher or his published sheetmusic, then subscribe to one of his Newsletters.
You will find the subscription forms on the following pages: Teaching, Hammond organist and Sheetmusic!

Don’t forget to check out his other projects on social media following the links on this page.

Thank You!

    Elvis sergo | Always a good moment for music! & are trademarks of: Delicious Groove Arts  |  CoC number 34331265  |  Tax-ID NL002171516B86
    Mobile: +31 6 2415 3430  |  Write Elvis via: contact page